Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fur Baby wants a Green and Natural Christmas

So what DO we mean when we say shop us for  have a Green  and Natural Christmas?
http://p0.vresp.com/kLbR3o #vr4smallbiz
 We put much effort into providing natural, Eco-friendly products like Bottle Buddies that use plastic bottles that would otherwise end up in landfills. Molly Mutt Duvets that you can cover old worn out dog beds with or stuff yourself with old blankets, towels, and other items that you may otherwise throw away. Bamboo Collars and Clothes. Bamboo is a very planet friendly crop as well as providing anti-bacterial,anti-fungal properties to the end products. T-Shirts made from re-cycled cloth. Chemical free and organic treats. The less  chemicals used  the better for the  the green (preservation) of our planet and the health of our fur babies.Chemical free and even some vegan Grooming Products.

Yes we are contacted frequently by manufactures that would allow us to offer you items at a much lower price...BUT they are not products made in America and a recent poll showed that this is important to our customers...so yes some of our products cost more, but we feel it's worth it.
We are very particular about the companies we buy from, focusing on only the

Companies that use natural, chemical free ingredients and /or  recycled and Eco-friendly packing material AND all of them  Give back to Animal Causes , as DO WE.
 We think that's very important and something everyone concerned can feel good about! 

so may you and yours have a Green and Natural Christmas...and lifestyle

Woofs and Wags
Tay, Bobbi and The Pack