Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fur Baby wants a Green and Natural Christmas

So what DO we mean when we say shop us for  have a Green  and Natural Christmas?
http://p0.vresp.com/kLbR3o #vr4smallbiz
 We put much effort into providing natural, Eco-friendly products like Bottle Buddies that use plastic bottles that would otherwise end up in landfills. Molly Mutt Duvets that you can cover old worn out dog beds with or stuff yourself with old blankets, towels, and other items that you may otherwise throw away. Bamboo Collars and Clothes. Bamboo is a very planet friendly crop as well as providing anti-bacterial,anti-fungal properties to the end products. T-Shirts made from re-cycled cloth. Chemical free and organic treats. The less  chemicals used  the better for the  the green (preservation) of our planet and the health of our fur babies.Chemical free and even some vegan Grooming Products.

Yes we are contacted frequently by manufactures that would allow us to offer you items at a much lower price...BUT they are not products made in America and a recent poll showed that this is important to our customers...so yes some of our products cost more, but we feel it's worth it.
We are very particular about the companies we buy from, focusing on only the

Companies that use natural, chemical free ingredients and /or  recycled and Eco-friendly packing material AND all of them  Give back to Animal Causes , as DO WE.
 We think that's very important and something everyone concerned can feel good about! 

so may you and yours have a Green and Natural Christmas...and lifestyle

Woofs and Wags
Tay, Bobbi and The Pack

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dog People Really R The Greatest

Harrison Forbes and our local Toyota
dealer demonstrating Kurgo products
 for Pet safety while Traveling

We had the Pawsome oppurtunity to meet Harrison Forbes and receive an autographed copy of "Dog Talk"

Thank You !

We also were quite delightfully surprised by "Tucker's" paw parents, originally met at "Cause for Paws", presenting us with this

The photo now displayed as our blog profile picture, AGAIN given to us by Friends thru dogs.. Riley and Chippers Paw parents!

Tara has received "birthday cookies" from Henry McWagger"s Paw Parent and Tay received a bandana that he dare not wear in "Steeler Country"...we smile every time the SeaHawks play, go ask Henry!

Christmas cards, vacation post cards....and  nice bark backs remind us why we LOVE this business!

Guess who stopped by again!
and may we say Addie is rockin'
those rose coloured glasses!
as well as helping the "Think Pink"
cause of the month! Thank you Addie

Remember we mentioned Vegas eating
his Mean Greens...need we bark more?

Buddy has now joined
 the "TIE Trend" Too!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wagapalooza...maybe you were there

Mom can I get one of everything??

Gigi...really wanted the leopard dress outfit
 but it wasn't in her size
Look Mom You can Dress Me up!

This year's Wagapoolza was fun as always . We would like to give a big bark to all the fur and skin friends we saw again and ones we met for the first time!

Unfortunately we did not get as many pictures this year due to some unforeseen lack of help and a camera malfunction :(!

Were you there and we don't have you on camera...
We invite you to email us yours !

The Nikki Green Olive Oil shampoo was once again popular with repeat customers too!
 Gigi 'The Boxer" will be sporting a Security Sweatshirt, while Addie , "The Doberman" is warm and pretty in pink! Pink Rhinestone Trimmed Hoodie that is!

Meanwhile Addie's fur bro Vegas is enjoying some "Mean Greens"Proving that even BIG Cane  Corsas need their veggies!

 A Tibetan Terrier is welcoming the Football season with his sports  tie set. some doggie out there is eating their treats and reading them too with Kung Fu Fido fortune Cookies for Dogs.

 October we are donating a Big Dog Hoodie to help support a customers fundraiser for dogs!

We will also be at "Pet Party" where Harrison Forbes author of "Dog Talk" will be appearing.

Warm Woofs and Wags

Tay, Bobbi and The Pack

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We've Come a long way doggie....and we've a long way to go

This marks our third year in business and my oh my the changes we've made! we owe our continued growth to you our valued friends and customers!

The Bark of things to come include ,pulling our logo, headers, blogs together to reflect the same look as our new website, when one is not a computer graphics design wiz, this takes either time or  money...hhhmmm?

Adding some new , fun , and of course Eco-friendly products.Tell us what kind of products would you like most to see, Toys? Collar Selection? Doggy Gift wrap ?

We must also decide if we should combine Tay's blog with this one or work harder on letting him bark his lighter look at all things canine, and some not?

Congratulations to our 2 new followers for receiving a gift. Congratulations to our winner of the 30% Off their order.

Thank you to all who stopped by and commented on our guest spot on Miss Mae's Doggy Tales!

Woofs and Wags
Tay, Bobbi and The Pack

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer-time shouldn't be Bummer-time!

From sun, to surf to pest to travel safety the pet industry has grown in summertime solutions , many of which can even do double duty for paw parent and pet!
Dogs just like us are subject to sunburn, some breeds and colors more so than others . However, dogs are more vulnerable than people in that they have smaller bodies, so even small amounts of toxins can wreak great havoc on their health. In addition, dogs tend to lick whatever is put on their bodies, making it much easier for them to ingest  toxins. Sprays can easily be inhaled and I do not recommend them.

Aroma Paws Vegan fur Conditioner is a cream that contains an effective sun screen indicated to be non-toxic as well as lots of wonderful chemical free natural skin protectors like shea butter.Human grade ingredients even allow me a dab or two if inclined.

Dogs also lose a lot of fluid when in the hot weather( think of panting as our sweating ) and therefore need more water to stay hydrated. Outward Hound has several practical and fashionable water toting ideas some of which can be utilized by both you and your four footed pal.

 Even if your dog is a swimmer please while boating keep your dog safe with a life jacket. Accidents can happen and you both have a much better chance of a safe rescue if wearing a life jacket!

    You have probably had to swerve out of the way of another driver not paying attention or someone driving recklessly and cutting you off. You may be able to avoid such an accident, but what about your pet? What could happen if you had to make a sudden stop on the freeway and your dog was not harnessed in? A smaller pet could have been thrown onto the floor. A larger pet could have had his nose or head hit on the dash, breaking its nose or causing serious injury to the spine. Protect your pet by keeping them in a cat or dog carrier or by having them wear a dog car seat belt.
    Have your Pets Use Safety Restraints

    There are many pet auto safety products on the market that protect dogs and cats when they travel . Dog car seat belts are comfortable and allow your dog to lay down or sit and still sniff through an open window.
    . Seat belts and other safety restraints are a good idea for every passenger. Your dog will still love the ride in the car and you will have peace of mind knowing that your pet will have protection should the unexpected occur. Kurgo Tru-Fit Harness can be used both in the car with your seat belt or outside walking.

    Pest protection...why pack two bottles ? Chemical free natural solutions work for both you and your four footed friend!

    and of course...don't forget the treats! Our brands are made with human grade ingredients , I leave that up to you...

    Woofs and Wags!

    Thursday, July 7, 2011

    The Barkolation Continues

     We would like to take a moment to extend Big Woofs and Wags to our customers and friends for their patience and support during our re-model and continued improvements...we like to think of our business as a "work in progress" always changing and evolving for the health and happiness of pooches, people and planet.
    Please as you navigate thru our new site , do take a moment to let us know about any issues you may encounter so we can fix them!

    Help us celebrate by participating in our Back in the Bark Celebration:

    If we reach 150 LIKES on Face book by July 11 we will offer FREE shipping for the following three days on ANY order!

    The first three folks to subscribe to our blog AND leave a comment about our new website will receive a surprise gift!

    Next two orders will receive a FREE Human T-Shirt featuring our very own CEO Tay Czar as the Dobe selected to appear on a Good Deeds for Bullied Breeds T-Shirt...

    We also have some select items in limited size and quantity available at very special pricing....
    watch for them on our Face Book Page.

    Woofs and Wags

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Come Bark with Us

    First big, big, wags to our friends and customers for their patience during our unexpected lengthy down-time.
    we are finally back in the bark and though we still have much to do, images to add, sizes to incorporate, new product to introduce...we are officially open!

    We invite you to come sniff around our new site and give us a growl,( a friendly one please) about any problems you encounter.

    The First three Dogs in The next Seven days will receive 30% Off their order!!
    THIS IS the BIGGEST DISCOUNT EVER and usually only offered when you refer a friend
    so Paw Parents...tails up, BOL!(Tay)

    We will be continuing to have fun during our re-opening ..watch for promos, prizes , etc..

    Please take a moment to bark us what you think of our new site, NOW also  hosted on a GREEN server.

    Leave us a comment here , on facebook or use our "Give Us a Bark form" on our website.

    Bark loud, Run fast...Happy sniffing

    Tay, Bobbi and The Pack

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    The Winds Of Change Blow Slowly

    ....but with them bring an exciting new look for our business . We think you're going to enjoy!
    We are also very pleased to announce that our new website host is GREEN !
    So we will be leaving less of a carbon print (paw or human) on our planet.

    Our May cause of The Month was saving shelter Pets Online Auction. Congratulations to Cathy Steen
    for winning the "Step Aside Barbie" Hoodie!

    We will also be expanding over time our product line offering more harnesses and eco-friendly toys to name a few.

    For anyone out there with a current discount card or unused Gift Certificate, please continue to bear with us , remember Good things come to those that wait!

    Woofs and Wags For a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    The Flea Market Grows

    As we are being presented with an ever growing selection of flea and tick protection products.
    We are also faced with growing  concerns and confusion. We don't profess to be the end all experts on flea and tick protection for dogs, but we do strive to stay informormed and shaRE that  information to help our fellow "Dog People"

    As All dogs Big and Small, we promote and offer an array of natural, organic and Eco-friendly products including natural pest protection.alternatives.However, according to Dr. Stone,DVM of Cummings School of Veterinary medicine, no natural remedies have been proven to be completely effective at flea and tick control including garlic and yeast or electronic collars or even Avon skin so soft.Since fleas and ticks present more than just a minor nuisance to our pets and can cause infection, disease and open oozing sores from allergic reactions to bites we use both at our household.Yes, sometimes one has to weigh the consequenses and choose the lesser of two eveils. we treat with monthly spot ons  AND in between use natural spray repellents and bath with shampoos containing natural pest repellent essential oils to ward off the pests rather than applying more chemicals, in otherwards we strive for an acceptable balance.
     I also use the natural sprays on myself as a mosquito repellent instead of a chemical based one, so it becomes a multi purpose product !

    Dr. Stone continues to state that the reported sickening and even death in animals treated with certain chemical flea and tick products was in most cases related to mis-application, using incorrect amounts for size, weight, age of dog and cats should never be allowed to come in contact with dogs before the product has had time to dry on the dog. Very small breeds under 20lbs as well as puppies appear to be at more of a risk than larger breeds and owners should be careful they are not over applying topicals or overdosing with orals.
    Some other interesting facts about fleas protection is that most people, myself formerly included think that spring and summer are the prime season for fleas and ticks, not so Dr. Dryden , DVM of Kansas State University claims that  it is Fall, so don't stop your protection too soon and fall victim to the ":fall flea surge" , this is true regardless of what part of the states you live in.

     Many products claim to remain effective even after dog is bathed or goes swimming...hhmm, common sense say's maybe not.Our dogs love to swim so here is one case where we use our "natural repellents" before a swim and again before re-entering our home rather than re-applying a chemical sooner than reccommended.

    All pets in a household must be treated or the fleas simply move from one animal to the next and back again. Last summer, Tara was just under the age limit for some of the chemical products despite it being a bad year in PA for fleas we were not willing to take the risk of chemicals at her young age, again the natural solutions were wonderful as a deterrent. Bath with natural flea repelling shampoos, spray with natural flea repellents wait outside and watch for any fleas to jump off! When she was old enough, treated her with the monthly spot on we were using with the other dogs. Complicated... a little, worth the peace of mind of not taking the chemical chance till she was over the recommended age... Definately.

    As is the case with most aspects of pet or for that matter human health care, we must first become informed then carefully weigh the pros and cons of treatment plans, nothing comes without a side effect of some kind and then make an informed desicion.
    For us that is  to always use natural. chemical free alternatives when possible, when necessary choose a chemical option that can be used sparingly and together with a natural product for maximum effectiveness with minimal side effects.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    What's Going on Around This Dog House

    In our hometown of Pennsylvania as spring is trying to be sprung our thoughts turn to fresh starts and new beginnings, of improvement and change.

    Thank You to our first four followers for checking out our newly designed blog...we will be continuing to renovate.

     According to our blog survey question dry/itchy skin seems to be the primary skin/fur issue with our participants doggies, followed by odor. Nikki Green Olive Oil Shampoo is one excellent choice for dry/itchy skin as well as Itchy Dog . Stinky Dog is one great choices for odor. All of our shampoos are natural , some are vegan.

     Please consult your veterinary for stubborn or persistent symptoms as they may be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

    This July will mark our 3rd year in business and as we continually strive to find and carry green, natural Eco-friendly products for Pooch, People and Planet we will be looking for you, our friends and customer's input.
    Look for our first survey of 2011 soon and please take a moment to paw through it to let us know what your thoughts are.

    We have started with March to offer a "Cause Of the Month" program. A percentage of total end of month sales will be donated to the selected rescue or other canine cause. March's is DRG, Inc. Contact us if you are a non-profit organization for helping dogs. this is a new avenue of donating for us so let's see what barks!

    We are in the process of adding more Eco-friendly and smart toys as well as expanding our health care  line to include  more choices of supplements starting with the addition of Pet Naturals of Vermont.

    We are always looking for unique products , perhaps you or someone you know handcrafts or bakes canine items ? We would love to discuss  teaming up with them to offer their products on our website.

    Look for a help us to design our new logo contest in the near future.

    Of course, you can always Give Us a Bark at customerservice@alldogsbigandsmall.com!...or even a growl if it helps us improve our business for you.

    Woofs and Wags
    All Dogs Big and Small.com

    Saturday, January 29, 2011

    Rins Reviews; Keepin It Green

    Rin is one of my fur brothers and he now has his
    own position at
    Rin sniffs out the green in our products,
    so our customers know more about the brands we sell.
    We're barking proud about the brands we choose to sell and
    Rin 's Reviews help keep you informed...and me, well I just get to taste test, humph, guess some
    doggie's got to do it!

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    Popeye not the only one who Loves Olive Oil

    .. I love this shampoo.. it lathered up so nice with just a bit of shampoo, and it felt so nice on their coat. the dogs are so soft and clean and shiny.. I recommend the olive oil shampoo to all who want to know.. love it( Nikki Green Olive Oil Shampoo)

    Dana and The Doggies

    We are proud to now offer Nikki Green Olive Oil shampoo in six essential oil choices! Nikki Green Olive Oil Shampoo is an eco-friendly line of dog shampoos made without harsh detergents, chemicals,artificial coloring or toxins that can harm and dull your dog’s precious coat.
    Nikki Green offers only the purest ingredients nature has to offer: 100% consumption-grade Aegean olive oil, Spring Water
    Mediterranean Sea salt and essential Oils.

    • Why is Olive Oil Shampoo good for your dog's skin?

    Olive Oil is a great skin protector. It is a natural substance and has no added chemicals. Your loved one's skin and coat will be extra shiny, soft, and clean and conditioned with  Olive Olive shampoo.Nikki Green is PH balanced for your dog's skin. The PH level is between 8 and 9. (The higher the PH the better.) B etween 70% and 80% of pure Olive Oil is used in each of  the Nikki Green Shampoos. Nikki Green Dog Shampoo contain no Sulfate, Paraben, SLS or Artificial color and is bio-degradable.

    "Lavanda" Olive Oil Dog Shampoo.(Original Formula)
    Is the combination of high quality Olive Oil and Lavender Essential Oils.
    Lavender Essential Oil has antiseptic,calming, relaxing and anti fungal properties.
    It helps healing cuts, wounds and burns.
    It is an excellent repellent for Mosquito, bugs and fleas.

    "Limoncello" Olive Oil Dog Shampoo.
    Is the combination of high quality Olive Oil, Tea Tree and Lemon Essential Oils.
    Tea Tree Essential Oil has antibacterial and anti fungal properties.
    It is used to prevent infection and is a great repellent to Mosquitoes and Fleas.
    Lemon Essential Oil has refreshing and clean properties, it makes the hair strong, healthy and shiny, it also helps reduce dandruff.

    "Mandarino" Olive Oil Dog Shampoo.
    Is the combination of high quality Olive Oil and sweet Orange Essential Oil.
    Sweet Orange Essential Oil has antiseptic, refreshing and calming properties.

    "Melissa" Olive Oil Dog Shampoo.
    Is the combination of high quality Olive Oil and Melissa (Lemon Balm) Essential Oils.
    Melissa (Lemon Balm) has antibacterial properties.
    It helps to calm and relax the muscles.

    "Menta Verde" Olive Oil Dog Shampoo.
    Is the combination of high quality Olive Oil and Spearmint Essential Oils.
    Spearmint Essential Oils has antiseptic, very refreshing and calming properties.
    "Rosemarino" Olive Oil Dog Shampoo.
    Is the combination of high quality Olive Oil and Rosemary Essential Oils.
    Rosemary Essential Oils has antiseptic, refreshing and calming properties.
    It plays a big role in making hair grow long and strong.
    it is good for dry scalp and dandruff issues.

     Some Excerpts in this post Via Becky Starr LA Pet Care  Examiner