Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Flea Market Grows

As we are being presented with an ever growing selection of flea and tick protection products.
We are also faced with growing  concerns and confusion. We don't profess to be the end all experts on flea and tick protection for dogs, but we do strive to stay informormed and shaRE that  information to help our fellow "Dog People"

As All dogs Big and Small, we promote and offer an array of natural, organic and Eco-friendly products including natural pest protection.alternatives.However, according to Dr. Stone,DVM of Cummings School of Veterinary medicine, no natural remedies have been proven to be completely effective at flea and tick control including garlic and yeast or electronic collars or even Avon skin so soft.Since fleas and ticks present more than just a minor nuisance to our pets and can cause infection, disease and open oozing sores from allergic reactions to bites we use both at our household.Yes, sometimes one has to weigh the consequenses and choose the lesser of two eveils. we treat with monthly spot ons  AND in between use natural spray repellents and bath with shampoos containing natural pest repellent essential oils to ward off the pests rather than applying more chemicals, in otherwards we strive for an acceptable balance.
 I also use the natural sprays on myself as a mosquito repellent instead of a chemical based one, so it becomes a multi purpose product !

Dr. Stone continues to state that the reported sickening and even death in animals treated with certain chemical flea and tick products was in most cases related to mis-application, using incorrect amounts for size, weight, age of dog and cats should never be allowed to come in contact with dogs before the product has had time to dry on the dog. Very small breeds under 20lbs as well as puppies appear to be at more of a risk than larger breeds and owners should be careful they are not over applying topicals or overdosing with orals.
Some other interesting facts about fleas protection is that most people, myself formerly included think that spring and summer are the prime season for fleas and ticks, not so Dr. Dryden , DVM of Kansas State University claims that  it is Fall, so don't stop your protection too soon and fall victim to the ":fall flea surge" , this is true regardless of what part of the states you live in.

 Many products claim to remain effective even after dog is bathed or goes swimming...hhmm, common sense say's maybe not.Our dogs love to swim so here is one case where we use our "natural repellents" before a swim and again before re-entering our home rather than re-applying a chemical sooner than reccommended.

All pets in a household must be treated or the fleas simply move from one animal to the next and back again. Last summer, Tara was just under the age limit for some of the chemical products despite it being a bad year in PA for fleas we were not willing to take the risk of chemicals at her young age, again the natural solutions were wonderful as a deterrent. Bath with natural flea repelling shampoos, spray with natural flea repellents wait outside and watch for any fleas to jump off! When she was old enough, treated her with the monthly spot on we were using with the other dogs. Complicated... a little, worth the peace of mind of not taking the chemical chance till she was over the recommended age... Definately.

As is the case with most aspects of pet or for that matter human health care, we must first become informed then carefully weigh the pros and cons of treatment plans, nothing comes without a side effect of some kind and then make an informed desicion.
For us that is  to always use natural. chemical free alternatives when possible, when necessary choose a chemical option that can be used sparingly and together with a natural product for maximum effectiveness with minimal side effects.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What's Going on Around This Dog House

In our hometown of Pennsylvania as spring is trying to be sprung our thoughts turn to fresh starts and new beginnings, of improvement and change.

Thank You to our first four followers for checking out our newly designed blog...we will be continuing to renovate.

 According to our blog survey question dry/itchy skin seems to be the primary skin/fur issue with our participants doggies, followed by odor. Nikki Green Olive Oil Shampoo is one excellent choice for dry/itchy skin as well as Itchy Dog . Stinky Dog is one great choices for odor. All of our shampoos are natural , some are vegan.

 Please consult your veterinary for stubborn or persistent symptoms as they may be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

This July will mark our 3rd year in business and as we continually strive to find and carry green, natural Eco-friendly products for Pooch, People and Planet we will be looking for you, our friends and customer's input.
Look for our first survey of 2011 soon and please take a moment to paw through it to let us know what your thoughts are.

We have started with March to offer a "Cause Of the Month" program. A percentage of total end of month sales will be donated to the selected rescue or other canine cause. March's is DRG, Inc. Contact us if you are a non-profit organization for helping dogs. this is a new avenue of donating for us so let's see what barks!

We are in the process of adding more Eco-friendly and smart toys as well as expanding our health care  line to include  more choices of supplements starting with the addition of Pet Naturals of Vermont.

We are always looking for unique products , perhaps you or someone you know handcrafts or bakes canine items ? We would love to discuss  teaming up with them to offer their products on our website.

Look for a help us to design our new logo contest in the near future.

Of course, you can always Give Us a Bark at!...or even a growl if it helps us improve our business for you.

Woofs and Wags
All Dogs Big and