Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Exercise Good for You and Good for Your Dog

Exercise is often seen as a health issue, but it also has a huge effect on your dog's behavior. All dogs, especially puppies and young dogs have a lot of energy, which if they're not allowed to burn off, can be manifested as bad behavior.

Most dogs that develop problems such as separation anxiety, aggression, nervousness and many other behavior disorders have not been given enough exercise. Dogs are animals that need to be challenged and enjoy working. Taking your dog out for a daily walk is an excellent way to provide mental stimulation. Remember a big back yard, which is just a kennel to your dog, is not an adequate substitute for exercise.

There are many different types of exercises you can do with your dog. When you decide on which exercise or combination of exercises you want to do with your dog, you'll want to consider your dog's energy level, breed, age and health. Just because you may have a small dog doesn't mean he/she needs less exercise. Some dogs are perfectly happy with a 20-30 minute daily walk, whereas other dogs might consider it barely a warm-up, although the walk would certainly help stimulate their mind.

Listed below are some types of exercise you may want to do with your dog. You can choose different activities based on the energy level of your particular dog.

Walk your dog – Walking your dog is a great way to promote training and exercise your dog at the same time. If your dog possesses a higher level of energy you may want to add a dog backpack to your walk. This will give your dog a job to do and make your dog work harder while on your walk.

Take your dog for a bike ride – I like to take my dogs out for the occasional bike ride as a way to mix up their exercise routine. I prefer to ride in a place where my dogs can run off leash. This is safer for both my dogs and me. When I do have the dogs on their leash, I only take out one dog at a time, and I like to use a bike attachment to help keep my dog from pulling me down.

Go rollerblading with your dog – This is a great way to let high-energy dogs burn off a lot of energy in a short period of time. I really enjoy rollerblading, because it gives me a chance to get some aerobic exercise at the same time my dogs get their own exercise needs met.

Swimming – This is great for almost every dog. It provides low-impact exercise for your dog that can't be beat. Swimming is especially beneficial for older dog's suffering from arthritis because it won't cause undue stress on their joints and muscles. I also like taking my dogs out to swim during the summer months because it offers a great way to let them cool off.

Doggie Day Care – If your dog gets along well with others a doggie day care can provide a good way to exercise both his/her mind and body. Dogs often come home after a day at the day care worn out and happy.

How do you exercise your dog?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin...not just for Pies! (via All Dogs Big and Small.com BusinessBarks Blog)

Taste the season!!
Pumpkin...not just for Pies! If dogs could pronounce “pumpkin,” they’d ask for it Four flavorful blends, each naturally rich in beta carotenes, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E. All are Pumpkin Powered™ —a low-fat fiber-rich superfood with a taste and texture that dogs love—along with harvest-fresh fruits, vegetables and specially selected organic ingredients. No wheat … Read More
via All Dogs Big and Small.com Business Barks Blog

Monday, October 25, 2010

Learn More about Organic Ear Wash

Dog ear cleaning is an important part of dog hygiene. Some dogs are more susceptible to ear infections than others. Floppy-eared or furry-eared dogs, such as the cocker spaniel, are prone to ear infections. Lack of air circulation within the ear, accumulation of moisture, bacteria, fungi or mites can cause dog-ear infections.

The product you choose is also important as well as seeking veterinary attention to rule out any problems requiring medical treatment.

 Read more about why Bella's person chose an all natural Ear Cleaner with preventive properties.

via blissful-reviews.com » Pet Event Day 2: All Dogs Big & Small Organic Ear Wash Review & $20 Gift Certificate Giveaway.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Organic Fun Fall Dog Treats

Bubba Rose Organics
We sent Rin on a mission to find us some fun, seasonal themed dog treats to add to our selection. Imagine our delight when he discovered Bubba Rose the Bubba Rose Biscuit Company provides healthy, preservative-free dog treats; made with organic and natural ingredients and free of wheat, corn and soy. All treats are handmade in small batches in their bakery in NJ using locally sourced humangrade ingredients from the U.S. All of the meats & eggs are free-range, grain and/or grass fed, hormone, antibiotic and nitrite free. Their products are free of chemicals, sugar, salt, artificial flavors, colors and fillers. Just key ingredients for great tasting Fun! Theyalso support rescue and adoption agencies and shelters nationwide by raising money and awareness, and donating treats.

Organic Fun Treats

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Heal, Nuture, Bond with Canine Massage

[caption id="attachment_208" align="alignright" width="130" caption="Aroma Paws Massage Lotion"][/caption]

  Dog massage includes a variety of techniques -- some centuries old and others quite new.  It has been used to calm show dogs, to relieve pain in working dogs, and to increase energy and focus in agility dogs.  Now it is available to improve the quality of your pet’s life.
    Massage is part of a complete wellness program for your dog.  A massage will relax muscles, invigorate circulation, and stimulate key acupressure points.  Massage does not substitute for veterinary care, but complements it.  Regular massage can often bring important changes in your pet’s condition to your attention so that medical advice can be sought before the problem becomes advanced.

Dogs of All Ages Can Benefit From Massage

Puppies & Young Dogs

  • Helps them accept handling by vets, groomers, etc.

  • Improves socialization

  • Increases trust of humans

  • Eases tension of new growth stages

Adult Dogs

  • Maintains optimum wellness

  • Slows developing problems of old age

  • Detects early changes that may signal injury or disease

Elderly Dogs

  • Helps maintain mobility

  • Stimulates circulation

  • Reduces pain

Why do dogs need massage?

   Dogs today live in much better conditions, but they are often bored and underexercised. Massage can relax tension while also stimulating both mind and body.  It is especially helpful as our animals’ life spans lengthen.  Our world has changed -- and our pets’ needs have changed with it.

Some benefits of dog massage:

  • Comforts tired muscles & relieves pain

  • Increases circulation

  • Strengthens body by stimulating muscles

  • Maintains & restores flexibility

  • Increases dog’s self-esteem & lessens behavioral issues

  • Enhances body awareness

  • Gains acceptance of touch, especially to paws

  • Increases caretaker’s awareness of changes in animal

  • Empowers owners to work with & help their pets

  • Enhances bonding & relationship with humans

  • Gives back to dogs something they can’t do for themselves

  • Increased circulation, which can improve a dog's health.

  • Earlier awareness of lumps and unusual growths.

  • Deeper attachment between dog and owner, allowing them to bond further.

  • Extended praise for the dog.

  • Increased acceptance of handling by the dog.

  • Stress and heart rate reduction for the owner.

  • Reduced stress by lowering the dog's heart rate and providing a quiet, relaxing experience.

Parts of this article taken from:
Ann Tarvin learned her dog massage skills from canine massage pioneer Jonathan Rudinger at the PetMassage Training and Research Institute in Toledo, Ohio.  She holds Practitioner and Instructor Level Certificates in Dog Massage and also a Certificate in WaterWork for dogs. She is a member of the International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork.

Consult your dog's veterinarian before beginning a massage program.If working with a fragile dog or one with limited mobility due to a joint problem, an injury, or surgery, knowledge of canine anatomy and biomechanics is essential, says Carla Campbell, a Seeing Eye graduate and canine masseuse in Menlo Park, Calif. In those situations, it really does pay to call in a pro, she advises.


Just as pleasant scents and relaxing music contribute a positive effect during human massage, so is the same for your dog.

[caption id="attachment_212" align="alignright" width="300" caption="All Natural Soy Wax Candle"][/caption]

Sunday, August 15, 2010

ACHOO...Dogs Have Them Too!

What are the sinuses? The sinuses are bony cavities in the skull that meet up with the nasal cavities. Inside the sinuses, we find tiny hair-like projections called cilia, which help to move mucus produced by the sinus towards a tiny hole (called the ostium) through which mucus drainage occurs, helping to keep the sinuses clear. The natural way .

The immune system plays a large part in promoting health in all parts of the body, including the sinuses. Using a more holistic approach, natural remedies can help to safely support sinus health and can also play an important role in maintaining immune system health and functioning. Due to the high safety profile of the ingredients, our natural remedies are also free of side effects.

Sinu-Rite Benefits:
Relieves sinusitis symptoms
Alleviates nasal congestion and inflammation
Improves long-term sinus health and balance
Maintains fluid balance in the body
Supports long-term immune system and respiratory health
Easy to administer granules for rapid absorption
Safe for cats, dogs and small pets

How has Sinu-Rite helped others? “My 9-year old beagle has been suffering for quite a long time with congestion. After a few days of using Sinu-Rite, her congestion has improved. She is not snoring as bad, or having the middle of the night breathing problems, and the discharge from her nose is no longer a thick white "rubber-cement type" mucous. She even seems to have more energy and a better appetite. At this point, I definitely recommend this product, and will check back in a few weeks with another update of this testimonial.” —Janet, MO, USA “We've had Indy, a mixed beagle, for a little over a year. We noticed early on that he had dripping and sneezing on a daily basis. He was miserable. We brought him to 2 different vets, spent over a thousand dollars. After numerous [procedures], each time they worked for a while, but it would come back. Finally they recommended more costly tests such as MRIs.. I could not afford the procedures and feared the real possibility of putting him down. Desperate, I finally went on the internet and found PetAlive's Sinu-Rite. It's a miracle; Indy is back to his old energetic self and has stayed that way for almost a month now. Thanks to your product we have our Indy back.” —Gerard L, CA, USA “My Rat Terrier started wheezing, his nose was stuffy and he was snorting and kept me up all night. I was so worried he was going to stop breathing so I could not sleep. I starting giving him [medication for children] and that worked very little and dried him up terribly. So I went online looking for Holistic Medication and came across PetAlive. Placed an order for a few items and one was the Sinu-Rite. Well by the second tablet, my Rat Terrier was energetic and could breath and stopped wheezing. This product is so awesome, I was flabbergasted at how fast and effective it worked. Thank You, Native Remedies.” —Rose M., FL, USA

USA Disclaimer: Testimonials have been edited to comply with FDA regulations. While positive results are likely, the testimonials used are general results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results - individual results may vary.

Sinu-Rite contains the following homeopathic ingredients: All PetAlive by Native Remedies homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts are manufactured in an FDA and GMP registered pharmaceutical facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). All products are free of gluten, artificial flavors, colorants and preservatives, and are suitable for use by lacto vegetarians. In accordance with our Do No Harm policy, no animal testing is carried out whatsoever.

Nat mur (D6) is a biochemic tissue salt that helps to maintain the body's fluid balance and is an essential component of all living cells. This tissue salt has excellent effects in supporting respiratory health and keeping sinuses, noses, and chests clear and healthy, thus supporting the health and integrity of all the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract. Wind flower (30C) is a natural remedy useful for keeping sinuses clear and healthy. Kali bich (30C) is a natural remedy that is recommended to soothe the throat and respiratory tract and support sinus health. Glycorrhiza (3X) is a widely used homeopathic remedy that helps to open up the respiratory system, including the nasal passages. It has even been studied for its supportive effect on the liver (Arase Y, Ikeda K, Murashima N, et al. “The long term efficacy of glycyrrhizin in chronic hepatitis C patients.” Cancer 1997;79(8):1494-1500.) Sambucus nig (3X) is a homeopathic remedy known to help facilitate the loosening of nasal matter, thereby helping to open the nasal passages and have a positive effect on the sinuses and the respiratory system. Lactose (inactive ingredient) Sinu-Rite is a homeopathic remedy registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

When It's time to say Farewell my Friend

Karen Litzinger, Licensed Professional Counselor, was inspired to create this CD following the deaths of her two dogs within four months. It takes you on a healing journey with words of wisdom, comforting affirmations, an inspirational reading, a guided meditation, and soothing harp music. The CD is 49 minutes with an accompanying 20-page booklet insert that provides insight, healing strategies and practical resources. The gentle, grounded words in this CD

are like a dear friend comforting you during your time of grief.  For you in your time of need or as a caring gift for a friend.

Karen, Pepper and Zep

Just as I found comfort in listening to a special music CD as I grieved for Pepper, I hope that some part of this CD will help in the healing process for you or the person to whom you give the CD.  I was further motivated on my journey to create this CD when my 13 year old dog, Zep, died just four months after Pepper.  The loss of my dogs is what inspired me to dedicate this CD to my beloved dog children, Pepper and Zep.

Karen Litzinger's Journey with Animals: My inspiration for the Healing Hearts pet loss CD came while driving home from the veterinarian with the cremains of my 15 year old dog, Pepper, who I had since a puppy from a local rescue league.  Originally I wanted to create something that a vet could give grieving clients right after the euthanasia procedure to supplement the personal support and follow-up sympathy card.  I created a pet loss booklet for veterinarians, but the CD is what I hope will serve those experience pet loss grief in a more profound way.